Plant SWVA Natives provides native plant seeds to community based projects. Initially, working with libraries and agricultural teaching programs across Southwest Virginia. If you have a project that is interested in free native plant seeds, please reach out to

Seed information.

Our seed packets now contain QR codes which link to this page. You can match the common or scientific information with the row on the chart below to learn:

  1. How to propagate your seeds. This is important because different seeds need different requirements in order to germinate. Many seeds are triggered by natures cycles and therefore need a period of warm or cold. More information on the chart. For more details about stratification see below.

  2. What to expect from your seeds. Reminder that all of our plant information is generic. Bloom times, height, width, soil conditions, etc are approximate and on average. The best way to learn how a plant grows on your property is to go ahead a give it a try. Seeds are a low cost way to do that.

how to stratify:

The stratification information below comes from Prairie Moon Nursery. You can learn more about germinating native seeds directly from their website.

our seed program has been made possible through partnerships with the following organizations.